Archives for September 2011

Fluite It Up


If you had read Flute It Up before about two or three days ago, you’ve notice a slight change in our layout.  That’s right, instead of using a traditional blogger pre-made template – we’ve turned completely and totally SMEXY!!  For YEAH!

About a month or two ago, I joined a giveaway at Simply Stacie and  Ok – I actually joined about 25.  They were having this super duper blog giveaway where they gave away a bunch of amazing blog facelifts.  I was SO excited when I learned that I had actually WON!  WAHOO!!  A free blog prettification from The World As I See It owned by the fabulous Margaret.

Margaret and I sent e-mails back and forth for weeks.  She is absolutely amazing, if you can’t tell from my beautiful blog!  She grasped onto the style I wanted immediately and made everything work perfectly!  I now have an awesome banner, a button (which you may grab at any time), coolio headers on my 2 sidebars, and pretty little Twitter, Facebook, and E-mail icons!

Margaret was fabulous to work with.  In just a few words from me (being basically blog-beautifying-illiterate) she was able to make this amazing design.  I don’t know how she did it, and if she told me, I probably still wouldn’t understand.  Everything is EXACTLY how I imagined it.  I had always dreams of having a pretty blog and my own button and stuff, but I just figured I would have to wait until my blog was a little more well known.

I’m sure with my amazing new layout – people won’t be able to draw their eyes away from my amazing blog, and it will become more popular even faster!  Go check out Margaret at The World As I See It – tell her how AMAZING my blog looks, and check into her packages to get your blog amazing as well!!

**The opinions stated in this post are solely my own.  I received not monetary compensation for this post – though I did win this super amazing blog template**

Book Of Leakes


Mommy’s Kicking Cancers Ass

Survivalism In The Suburbs

Real Adventures From A Mom Of 3

Michelles Charm World


Priscilla’s Life Unscripted


Mrs. Undomestic Design #1 (Blogger)



Did you notice the new design? We had a pretty major site change and it’s all thanks to Margaret at The World As I See It.  Last Friday I joined her blog hop and she mentioned she does design work. And voila!

As someone who is incredibly stupid when it comes to graphics, logos, etc (my best effort was the old logo) I was grateful for someone who was willing to work with me on making the blog look better. Margaret did that and so much more! She took my logo and made it 100x better (You can actually read the words now!). From that and the basic colors I gave her, she made the background and side bars (did you see that Twitter/Facebook don’t overtake the side now? That’s thanks to Margaret!). She also made the signature you’ll now see at the bottom of every post and the blog button on the left.

Margaret also worked quite quickly. I literally asked her on a post Friday afternoon and had a whole new design by Saturday morning! She worked with what I had and did the extra needed to redo my logo (she had to go find the original piece of ClipArt I used and fix it from there). Margaret really listened to what I want and made it happen. If you are looking for someone to do a blog design for you, please contact Margaret at The World As I See It. She is fantastic, helpful and quick!

Mrs. No-No Knows


This is one of my latest designs.
Here is her review:

Those of you who have been with me for awhile may have noticed some changes over the last month or so!
My blog has been COMPLETELY re-designed and I even have a new logo and great new buttons that much!!!
It’s all very cool and I love it a lot. It’s really different than what I had before, but it’s also easy to navigate and easy to read.

This design came courtesy of the web-design master, Margaret. Here’s her website, if you want to stop by and check it out.
Let me tell you about the process that we went through: We started off easy (well, I started off easy, she had a harder time because I only knew that I wanted my blog cleaned up, but hadn’t really, really decided WHAT else I wanted….however, I did know what I DIDN’T want….poor Margaret….). She sent me pics of things, and templates, and previews and had me look them over and tell her what I did or didn’t like (every time!) and then she would adjust accordingly. If you couldn’t tell from my description this far, the thing that impressed me the most about Miss Margaret was her complete sense of PATIENCE. If I didn’t like something, she changed it; If I didn’t get back to her right away, she just kept plugging away at; If I thought it was perfect, she continued in the same fashion. Her communication skills are great and I never felt like I was being left out to dry (so to speak) or interfering with her work. She answered all my questions and inquiries very promptly and was quick to make sure that I approved of where she was going with everything. Which, is a HUGE plus since I could not have made all these changes myself (without TONS more education in web design)!!