Archives for January 2012


As most of you know in March GFC is going to be going away for all blogs that aren’t using Blogger.  Since I am now self hosted my posts won’t show up in bloggers reader and Google Reader (at least I assume it won’t update in Google Reader).  A group of us decided that we are all going to post today and make sure that everyone will subscribe in another way so that you won’t miss any of our posts.  If you are also a wordpress blogger feel free to grab the button and put it on your blog along with the links to all the different ways they can subscribe so that no one will miss any posts.  Here are all the different ways that you can follow me so you won’t miss any of my posts:


I can’t believe how long it has been since I have posted on this site.   Life has been super crazy for me in the past few months.  I am hoping to have a ton of freebies posted in the next few weeks and I also would love to know what kind of freebies you would like to see?  I have a few designs that I need to upload as well so keep your eyes open for that!

Like I said please let me know what you would like to see here and what type of freebies you would like as well!